Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Moving With a Toddler and a Baby

Moving is overwhelming in of itself, but add a busy toddler and a newborn to the mix and it's darn near impossible. So here are some things that we did that made moving a lot easier with the two littles.
1. Babywearing: If you have not discovered the wonder that is babywearing, I encourage you to look into it.
2. Paper Plates: Seriously, you have enough to worry about, between the Toddler and the Baby on top of packing up everything you own. Dishes is one less thing you have to worry about.
3. Crock Pot/ Slow Cookers: Another thing that makes the tedious task of packing easier. Just throw dinner in the crock pot in the morning and spend the day packing without having to worry about starting dinner or eating out.
4. Pack up the toddler's room without him there. Send him over to a friend's house or grandma's house while you are packing up his room. I tried packing up my 22 month old's books, and you would have thought all hell broke loose. Major Meltdown.
5. Make sure the toddler's room is the last to be packed up: This allows them to have their room as long as possible.
6. Unload the Toddler's things first: By unpacking their room, it makes the move less scary and doesn't disrupt their routine too much, and they feel safe in the new house.
7. Get a sitter for Moving Day: Not only will this avoid the toddler getting under foot or run over, but they don't even notice that their stuff got boxed up, because you've unpacked all of their stuff before you go pick them up.
8. Allow the toddler to explore the new house: It's a new place and to a little one, new places can be scary.
9. Outlet Covers before you move in: I installed ours when we were at the new house cleaning. We also were there waiting for the gas company to turn on everything.

Hopefully these tips will make moving easier for you. Happy Packing!

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