Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Hydrogen Peroxide: Miracle Stain Fighter

This is my adorable little boy. He is 19 months old.
I am a girly girl, my friends were girls growing up, and I never really was close to any boys my age. When my husband and I found out we were expecting a little boy two years ago, we were overjoyed. Because I know nothing about the male population, raising a little boy has definitely been a learning curve for me. I had heard rumors about stinky boy feet and how gross they are, but I was sure it would be years before we needed to tackle the problem. I mean really how gross can a toddler get? 
If only I had known.....
Because of the warm weather, we bought our little boy sandals. For a while, they were the only shoes he would keep on his feet. After a week this is what they looked like. A.Week.
 I put baking soda in them to combat the smell, but they still looked lnasty. How could his shoes get this nasty? We bathe him daily, I vacuum the carpets every other day and I sweep and mop the other floors weekly. However, I have found a solution! (via Pinterest)
Find an empty spray bottle and add 1 T of Dawn (I just used the generic grapefruit scented dish soap we already had) and Hydrogen Peroxide. Spray the shoe and scrub with a brush I had a used an old toothbrush because of the small shoe.
Before: Nasty stinky shoe

After: Looks brand new!
 Where has this trick been all my life? You can use this spray on clothing, furniture, upholstery... I think I might be obsessed.

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